Description of Indicators

Agro-Meteorological Indicators


The agro-meteorological indicators have been defined in partnership with the various pilot/technical centers involved in the project.

A distinction must be made between crop-specific indicators and generic indicators (not specific to a particular crop).

Crop-specific indicators often relate to key (phenological) periods. In the current version (1.0) of these agro-meteorological indicators, these periods are generally quite broad and identical for all agricultural regions. The BCGMS team is aware that this is an approximation and plans to improve it in future versions.

In the meantime, feel free to send us your feedback (

These agro-meteorological indicators are calculated by IRM/KMI based on meteorological data collected from the institution’s weather stations and interpolated at a 5x5 km grid scale.

As a reminder, each indicator has been assigned a specific code. The code associated with an indicator is displayed just above the graph.

Generic Indicators

A1. Cumulative Rainfall (Decade) - 00RNDC_CURR

Description: Sum of precipitation for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: mm

A2. Cumulative Rainfall (Month) - 00RNMO_CURR

Description: Sum of precipitation for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: mm

A3. Cumulative Rainfall (Year) - 00RNYR_CURR

Description: Sum of precipitation from January 1st to the consultation date -1.

Unit: mm

B1. Average Temperature (Decade) - 00TEDC_AVTM

Description: Average of daily mean temperatures for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: °C

B2. Average Temperature (Month) - 00TEMO_AVTM

Description: Average of daily mean temperatures for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: °C

C1. Minimum Temperature (Decade) - 00TEDC_AVTN

Description: Average of daily minimum temperatures for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: °C

C2. Minimum Temperature (Month) - 00TEMO_AVTN

Description: Average of daily minimum temperatures for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: °C

D1. Maximum Temperature (Decade) - 00TEDC_AVTX

Description: Average of daily maximum temperatures for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: °C

D2. Maximum Temperature (Month) - 00TEMO_AVTX

Description: Average of daily maximum temperatures for each completed month (decade) of the current year.

Unit: °C

E. Cumulative Effective Temperature (Year) - 00TEYR_CUET_0099

Description: Sum of effective temperatures (Tb = 0°C, Tmax,e = ∞) from January 1st to the consultation date -1.

Unit: °C

F1. Water Deficit (Decade) - 00WDDC_CUWD

Description: Sum of the water deficit for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: mm

F2. Water Deficit (Month) - 00WDMO_CUWD

Description: Sum of the water deficit for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: mm

F3. Water Deficit (Year) - 00WDYR_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit from January 1st to the consultation date -1.

Unit: mm

G1. Number of Summer Days (Decade) - 00TEDC_NBSD

Description: Number of summer days for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: days

G2. Number of Summer Days (Month) - 00TEMO_NBSD

Description: Number of summer days for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: days

H1. Number of Heatwave Days (Decade) - 00TEDC_NBHD_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: days

H2. Number of Heatwave Days (Month) - 00TEMO_NBHD_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days for each completed month of the current year.

Unit: days

I1. Number of Winter Days (Decade) - 00TEDC_NBWD

Description: Number of winter days for each completed decade of the current year.

Unit: days

I2. Number of Winter Days (Month) - 00TEMO_NBWD

Description: Number of winter days for each completed month (decade) of the current year.

Unit: days

K. Drought Indicator SPEI-3 (Year) - 00WDYR_SPEI_0003

Description: Drought indicator SPEI-3 from January 1st to the consultation date -1.

Unit: %

Indicators (Winter Wheat)

A. Cumulative Effective Temperature for the Growing Season - 01TEGS_CUET_0030

Description: Sum of effective temperatures (Tb = 0°C, Tmax,e = 30°C) between October 15 (year-1) and July 31.

Unit: °C

B. Cumulative Precipitation for the Growing Season - 01RNGS_CURR

Description: Cumulative precipitation between October 15 (year-1) and July 31.

Unit: mm

C. Water Deficit for the Growing Season - 01WDGS_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between October 15 (year-1) and July 31.

Unit: mm

D. Number of Heatwave Days During the Anthesis Period - 01TEDP_NBHDAN_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days between May 20 and June 30.

Unit: days

E. Number of Extremely Hot Days During the Anthesis Period - 01TEDP_NBHDAN_0002

Description: Number of days with a maximum temperature > 33°C between May 20 and June 30.

Unit: days

F. Number of Heatwave Days During the Grain-Filling Period - 01TEDP_NBHDGF_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

G. Number of Extremely Hot Days During the Grain-Filling Period - 01TEDP_NBHDGF_0002

Description: Number of days with a maximum temperature > 35°C between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

H. Solar Radiation During the Anthesis / Grain-Filling Period - 01RADP_CUSRGF

Description: Sum of global solar radiation between May 20 and July 31.

Unit: kWh/(m²·day)

I. Water Deficit During the Grain-Filling Period - 01WDDP_CUWDGF

Description: Cumulative water deficit between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: mm

J. Number of Days with Water Deficit < -5 mm During the Anthesis and Grain-Filling Period - 01WDDP_NBWDGF_0005

Description: Number of days with a water deficit < -5 mm between May 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

K1. Number of days in the ‘wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 01WDDP_NBW1AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘wet’ classification between May 20 and June 30.

Unit: days

K2. Number of days in the ‘very wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 01WDDP_NBW2AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘very wet’ classification between May 20 and June 30.

Unit: days

K3. Number of days in the ‘extremely wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 01WDDP_NBW3AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely wet’ classification between May 20 and June 30.

Unit: days

L1. Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 01WDDP_NBD1GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

L2. Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 01WDDP_NBD2GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

L3. Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 01WDDP_NBD3GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification between June 20 and July 31.

Unit: days

Indicators (Maize)

A. Cumulative effective temperature for the growing season - 02TEGS_CUET_0630

Description: Cumulative effective temperature (Tb = 6°C, Tmax,e = 30°C) between April 15 and October 15.

Unit: °C

B. Cumulative precipitation for the growing season – 02RNGS_CURR

Description: Cumulative precipitation between April 15 and October 15.

Unit: mm

C. Water deficit for the growing season - 02WDGS_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between April 15 and October 15.

Unit: mm

D. Number of frost days during the growing season – 02TEGS_NBFD

Description: Number of frost days between April 15 and October 15.

Unit: days

E. Cumulative frost temperature during the growing period – 02TEGS_CUFT

Description: Sum of minimum temperatures <0°C between April 15 and October 15.

Unit: °C

F. Number of extremely hot days during the anthesis period – 02TEDP_NBHDAN_0002

Description: Number of days with a maximum temperature >33°C between July 15 and August 15.

Unit: days

G. Solar radiation during the anthesis period – 02RADP_CUSRAN

Description: Sum of global solar radiation between July 15 and August 15.

Unit: kWh/(m² . day)

H. Water deficit during the (pre-)anthesis period – 02WDDP_CUWDAN

Description: Cumulative water deficit between July 1 and August 15.

Unit: mm

I1. Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the pre-anthesis phase – 02WDDP_NBD1AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between July 1 and August 15.

Unit: days

I2. Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the pre-anthesis phase – 02WDDP_NBD2AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between July 1 and August 15.

Unit: days

I3. Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the pre-anthesis phase – 02WDDP_NBD3AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between July 1 and August 15.

Unit: days

Indicators (Winter barley)

A. Sum of effective temperatures for the growing season - 03TEGS_CUET_0030

Description: Sum of effective temperatures (Tb = 0°C, Tmax,e = 30°C) between September 15 (year-1) and June 30.

Unit: °C

B. Cumulative precipitation for the growing season - 03RNGS_CURR

Description: Cumulative precipitation between September 15 (year-1) and June 30.

Unit: mm

C. Water deficit for the growing season - 03WDGS_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between September 15 (year-1) and June 30.

Unit: mm

D. Number of heatwave days during the anthesis period - 03TEDP_NBHDAN_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days between May 10 and June 10.

Unit: days

E. Number of extremely hot days during the anthesis period - 03TEDP_NBHDAN_0002

Description: Number of days with a maximum temperature >33°C between May 10 and June 10.

Unit: days

F. Number of heatwave days during the grain-filling period - 03TEDP_NBHDGF_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: days

G. Number of extremely hot days during the grain-filling period - 03TEDP_NBHDGF_0002

Description: Number of days with a maximum temperature >35°C between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: days

H. Solar radiation during the anthesis/grain-filling period - 03RADP_CUSRGF

Description: Sum of global solar radiation between May 10 and June 30.

Unit: kWh/(m² . day)

I. Water deficit during the grain-filling period - 03WDDP_CUWDGF

Description: Cumulative water deficit between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: mm

J. Number of days with a water deficit < -5 mm during the anthesis and grain-filling period - 03WDDP_NBWDGF_0005

Description: Number of days with a water deficit < -5 mm between May 10 and June 30.

Unit: days

K1. Number of days in the ‘wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 03WDDP_NBW1AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘wet’ classification of SPEI-3 between May 10 and June 10.

Unit: days

K2. Number of days in the ‘very wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 03WDDP_NBW2AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘very wet’ classification of SPEI-3 between May 10 and June 10.

Unit: days

K3. Number of days in the ‘extremely wet’ classification of SPEI-3 during anthesis - 03WDDP_NBW3AN

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely wet’ classification of SPEI-3 between May 10 and June 10.

Unit: days

L1. Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 03WDDP_NBD1GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: days

L2. Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 03WDDP_NBD2GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: days

L3. Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the grain-filling phase - 03WDDP_NBD3GF

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between June 1 and June 30.

Unit: days

Indicators (sugar beet)

A. Sum of effective temperatures for the growing season – 05TEGS_CUET_0321

Description: Sum of effective temperatures (Tb = 3°C, Tmax,e = 21°C) between March 15 and December 15.

Unit: °C

B. Cumulative precipitation for the growing season – 05RNGS_CURR

Description: Cumulative precipitation between March 15 and December 15.

Unit: mm

C. Water deficit for the growing season – 05WDGS_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between March 15 and December 15.

Unit: mm

D. Solar radiation for the growing season - 05RAGS_CUSR

Description: Sum of global solar radiation on March 15 and December 15.

Unit: kWh/(m² . day)

E. Water deficit during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05WDDP_CUWDFD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: mm

F1. Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05WDDP_NDD1FD

Description: Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: days

F2. Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05WDDP_NDD2FD

Description: Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: days

F3. Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05WDDP_NDD3FD

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: days

H. Solar radiation during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05RADP_CUSRFD

Description: Sum of global solar radiation between April 1 and June 20.

Unit: kWh/(m² . day)

I. Amount of precipitation during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05RNDP_CURRFD

Description: Cumulative precipitation between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: mm

J. Number of rainy days (>1 mm) during the leaf development period (row closure) - 05RNDP_NBRRFD_0001

Description: Number of rainy days (>1 mm) between March 15 and June 20.

Unit: days

K. Sum of average nighttime temperatures during the sugar content formation period - 05TEDP_CUNTSF

Description: Sum of average nighttime temperatures (base: 0°C) between June 20 and December 15.

Unit: °C

Indicators (Potatoes)

A. Sum of effective temperatures for the growing season (year) - 06TEGS_CUET_0230

Description: Sum of effective temperatures (Tb = 2°C, Tmax,e = 30°C) between April 1 and November 15.

Unit: °C

B. Cumulative precipitation for the growing season (year) - 06RNGS_CURR

Description: Cumulative precipitation between April 1 and November 15.

Unit: mm

C. Water deficit for the growing season (year) - 06WDGS_CUWD

Description: Cumulative water deficit between April 1 and November 15.

Unit: mm

D. Cumulative rainfall at harvest - 06RNDP_CURRHV

Description: Sum of precipitation from October 1 to November 15.

Unit: mm

E. Number of heatwave days during the tuberization phase - 06TEDP_NBHDTU_0001

Description: Number of heatwave days from July 1 to July 30.

Unit: days

F. Water deficit during the tuberization phase - 06WDDP_CUWDTU

Description: Cumulative water deficit from July 1 to July 30.

Unit: mm

G1. Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the tuberization phase - 06WDDP_NBD1TU

Description: Number of days in the ‘dry’ classification of SPEI-3 from July 1 to July 30.

Unit: days

G2. Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the tuberization phase - 06WDDP_NBD2TU

Description: Number of days in the ‘very dry’ classification of SPEI-3 from July 1 to July 30.

Unit: days

G3. Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 during the tuberization phase - 06WDDP_NBD3TU

Description: Number of days in the ‘extremely dry’ classification of SPEI-3 from July 1 to July 30.

Unit: days

Remote sensing indicators





Statistical indicators


The so-called "statistical" indicators are yields, surfaces, and productions. These data come from the website of the Belgian Statistical Office (Statbel). They are retrieved as soon as they become available, formatted, and integrated into the BCGMSweb database.


The yields available on BCGMSweb always correspond to final yields. These estimates are based on a postal survey conducted among a sample of approximately 1,900 agricultural holdings (in 2022). The sample is drawn to ensure sufficient representativeness for each crop. The survey is conducted in January of the year following the harvest.

It is also important to note that the yields are measured as follows:

  • Grain yields for winter wheat and winter barley

  • Tuber yields for potatoes

  • Root yields for sugar beets

  • Green mass yields for fodder maize

For potatoes, the category considered is “storage potatoes”.

Cultivated area 

The cultivated areas are derived from the processing of administrative data (CAP declarations).

Consideration is given to:

  • Any enterprise that produces agricultural and/or horticultural products as a primary or secondary activity for sale.

  • Any enterprise whose land is not actively farmed but is maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition and whose headquarters is located in Belgium.


The productions considered in BCGMSweb correspond to the product of cultivated areas and yields.